Tips to Self Install your Above Ground Pool
Self-installing an above ground pool can be a daunting task. Here are some tips and tricks to make the installing process easier!
The Foundation:
Your pool foundation or pad it the most important part. If your foundation is not properly done, your pool will not last.
- Measure and mark with spray paint where you are planning to put the pool. When marking out the pad for the pool, make sure it is 1.5 feet bigger than the pool all the way around. For example, an 18 foot pool should have a 21 foot pad.
- After marking the pad, remove all of the sod before laying crusher dust. Lay a minimum of 4 inches of crusher dust and make sure you compact the crusher dust before moving on.
The Pool:
- Start by spreading out your geotextile. It is important to stretch the geo and pin it tight along the outside edge of the pad. You must pin the geo to ensure that you do not end up with wrinkles under your liner. Use a shop vac or broom to remove any rocks or debris from the geo before moving on.
- Lay out the bottom track and pin it to the diameter listed in the instructions.
- Now that your track is down and pinned, lay all of the pieces such as the coves, top track, and uprights around the pad so that you are not scrambling for the pieces while putting up the wall.
- Start installing the wall at one of the joints for the upright. This will ensure that the wall bolts are covered and the skimmer and return in the proper position when the wall is up. Remember, the return and skimmer cut outs are at the other end of the wall.
- Use bungees. dead men, and the top track to support the wall.
The Liner:
- Double check and make sure there are no rocks or small debris inside the pool wall on the geotextile. You may need to shop vac the geo again.
- Spread the liner out and clip it on to the wall in four spots: North, East, South, and East. Clipping the liner in these four places will make it easier to install and ensure it is even all the way around. Also remember that the liner has a seam. If you wish to not see the seam from a certain direction, line the seam up where you want it first.
- Use water from a hose to help set the bottom of the liner. If you are installing the liner on a very sunny/warm day make sure you are spraying it down with cold water so it does not stretch. If it is a cloudy day and under 150C, the liner may be very tight and cause some buckles in the wall.
- Let the pool fill with water or have water brought in. Make sure to keep working at any wrinkles that may have formed. Once the water is in, you will not be able to make any changes. Keep an eye out for any buckles while the pool is being filled. When it comes time to cut in the skimmer and return, make sure the liner is not too tight.
- Make sure you dry fit all plumbing parts before gluing them. Once they are glued or silicone, you cannot fix them.
- Make sure all of the collars for any quick disconnects are correctly placed and on the fittings or pipe before gluing anything together.
- Make sure all o-rings are placed in their fittings. If you are missing an o-ring you will have leaks.
- If you have a Hayward Salt Cell, make sure the cord is facing towards the ground. The writing will be upside down on the cell. Do not Teflon or silicone the salt cell because you will not be able to remove it when you winterize the pool.
- Be careful to not cross thread any fittings and do not tighten the fittings too tight, they will crack.
Plumbing drawing:
If you have any questions about installing your above ground pool, feel free to contact us!